NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles) G-4
National Instruments Corporation
DAQ data acquisition—(1) collecting and measuring electrical signals from
sensors, transducers, and test probes or fixtures and inputting them to a
computer for processing; (2) collecting and measuring the same kinds of
electrical signals with A/D and/or DIO boards plugged into a computer,
andpossibly generating control signals with D/A and/or DIO boards in the
same computer
dB decibel—the unit for expressing a logarithmic measure of the ratio of two
signal levels: dB=20log10 V1/V2, for signals in volts
DC direct current
default setting a default parameter value recorded in the driver. In many cases, the default
input of a control is a certain value (often 0) that means use the current
default setting. For example, the default input for a parameter may be do
not change current setting, and the default setting may be no AMUX-64T
boards. If you do change the value of such a parameter, the new value
becomes the new setting. You can set default settings for some parameters
in the configuration utility or manually using switches located on the
device a plug-in data acquisition board, card, or pad that can contain multiple
channels and conversion devices. Plug-in boards, PCMCIA cards, and
devices such as the DAQPad-1200, which connects to your computer
parallel port, are all examples of DAQ devices. SCXI modules are distinct
from devices, with the exception of the SCXI-1200, which is a hybrid.
DIG digital
digital port See port.
DIN Deutsche Industrie Norme
DIO digital I/O
DIP dual inline pack age
dithering the addition of Gaussian noise to an analog input signal
DLL dynamic-dynamic link library
DMA direct memory access
DNL differential nonlinearity—a measure in LSB of the worst-case deviation of
code widths from their ideal value of 1 LSB