NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles) G-2
National Instruments Corporation
A/D analog-to-digital
ADC A/D converter
ADC resolution the resolution of the ADC, which is measured in bits. An ADC with 16 bits
has a higher resolution, and thus a higher degree of accuracy, than a 12-bit
address character code that identifies a specific location (or series of locations)
AI Analog Input
alias a false lower frequency component that appears in sampled data acquired
at too low a sampling rate
API application programming interface
asynchronous (1) hardware—a property of an event that occurs at an arbitrary time,
without synchronization to a reference clock (2) software—a property of
afunction that begins an operation and returns prior to the completion or
termination of the operation
attenuate to decrease the amplitude of a signal
b bit—one binary digit, either 0 or 1
B byte—eight related bits of data, an eight-bit binary number. Also used to
denote the amount of memory required to store one byte of data.
base address a memory address that serves as the starting address for programmable
registers. All other addresses are located by adding to the base address.
BCD binary-coded decimal
binary a number system with a base of 2
bipolar a signal range that includes both positive and negative values (for example,
–5 V to +5 V)