Chapter 2 Function Reference — AO_Calibrate
National Instruments Corporation 2-25 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = AO_Calibrate (deviceNumber, operation, EEPROMloc)
Loads a set of calibration constants into the calibration DACs or copies a set of calibration
constants from one of four EEPROM areas to EEPROM area 1. Y ou can load an ex isting setof
calibration constants into the calibration DACs from a storage area in the onboard EEPROM.
You can copy EEPROM storage areas 2 through 5 (EEPROM area 5 contains the factory
calibration constants) to storage area 1. NI-DAQ automatically loads the calibration constants
stored in EEPROM area 1 the first time a function pertaining to the AT-AO-6/10 is called.
Note Use the calibration utility provided with the AT-AO-6/10 to perform a calibration
procedure. Refer to the calibration chapter in the AT-AO-6/10 User Manual for
more information regarding the calibration procedure.
Parameter Discussion
operation determines the operation to be performed.
1: Load calibration constants from EEPROMloc.
2: Copy calibration const ants from EEPROMloc to EEPROM user calibration
area 1.
EEPROMloc selects the storage location in the onboard EEPROM to be used. You canuse
different sets of calibration constants to compensate for configuration or environmental
1: User calibration area 1.
2: User calibration area 2.
3: User calibration area 3.
4: User calibration area 4.
5: Factory calibration area.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
operation i16 operation to be performed
EEPROMloc i16 storage location in the onboard EEPROM