Chapter 2 Function Reference — AO_Configure
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-38
National Instruments Corporation
status = AO_Configure (deviceNumber, chan, outputPolarity, intOrExtRef, refVoltage,
Informs NI-DAQ of the output range and polarity selected for each analog output channel on
the device and indicates the update mode of the DACs. If you ha ve recor ded an analog output
configuration that is not a default through the NI-DAQ Configuration Utility, you do not need
to use AO_Configure because NI-DAQ uses the settings recorded by the NI-DAQ
Configuration Utility. If you have a software-configurable device, you can use
AO_Configure to change the analog output configuration on the fly.
Caution For the AT-AO-6/10, NI-DAQ records the configuration information for output
polarity and update mode in channel pairs. A call to AO_Configure records the
same output polarity and update mode selections for both channels in a pair.
Parameter Discussion
chan is the analog output channel number.
Range: 0 or 1 for the AO-2DC, Lab and 1200 Series analog output devices, and MIO
0 through 5 for the AT-AO-6.
0 through 9 for the AT-AO-10.
0 through 47 for the VXI-AO-48XDC.
0 for DAQArb 5411 devices.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
chan i16 analog output channel number
outputPolarity i16 unipolar or bipolar
intOrExtRef i16 reference source
refVoltage f64 voltage reference value
updateMode i16 when to update the DACs