Chapter 2 Function Reference — AO_Conf igure
National Instruments Corporation 2-39 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
outputPolarity indicates whether the analog output channel is configured for unipolar or
bipolar operation.
For the AT-AO-6/10 and MIO devices (except the MIO-16XE-50 devices):
0: Bipolar operation (default setting, output range is from –refVoltage to
1: Unipolar operation (output range is from 0 to +refVoltage).
For the Lab and 1200 Series analog output devices:
0: Bipolar operation (default setting, output range is from –5 to +5 V).
1: Unipolar operation (output range is from 0 to +10 V).
For the MIO-16XE-50 devices:
0: Bipolar operation (output range is from 0 from –10 to +10 V).
For the AO-2DC devices:
0: Bipolar operation (output range is from –5 to +5 V).
1: Unipolar operation (default setting, output range is from 0 to +10 V or
For the VXI-AO-48XDC:
0: Bipolar operation (voltage only; output range is from –10.24 to +10.24 V).
1: Unipolar operation (current only; output range is from 0 to 20.47 mA).
For the DAQArb 5411 devices:
0: Bipolar operation (output range is –5 to +5 V for a 50 terminated load and –10
to +10 V for an unterminated load—that is, a load with a very high impedance).
intOrExtRef indicates the source of voltage reference.
0: Internal reference.
1: External reference.
The MIO devices, except the 16-bit E Series devices, and AT-AO-6/10 devices support
external analog output voltage references.
For DAQArb 5411 devices, only internal reference is supported.
refVoltage is the analog output channel voltage reference value. You can configure each
channel to use an internal reference of +10 V (the default) or an external reference. Although
each pair of channels is served by a single external reference connection, the configuration of
the external reference operates on a per channel basis. Therefore, it is possible to have one
channel in a pair internally referenced and the other channel in the same pair externally
Range: –10 to +10 V.