Chapter 4 Frequency-Weighted Error Reduction
© National Instruments Corporation 4-13 Xmath Model Reduction Module
3. Compute weighted Hankel Singular Values σi (described in more
detail later). If the order of Cr(s) is not specified a priori, it must be
input at this time. Certain values may be flagged as unacceptable for
various reasons. In particular nscr cannot be chosen so that
σnscr=σnscr +1
4. Execute reduction step on stable part of C(s), based on a modification
of redschur( ) to accommodate frequency weighting, and yielding
stable part of Cr(s).
5. Compute Cr(s) by adding unstable part of C(s) to stable part of Cr(s).
6. Check closed-loop stability with Cr(s) introduced in place of C(s),
atleast in case C(s) is a compensator.
More details of steps 3 and 4, will be given for the case when there is an
input weight only. The case when there is an output weight only is almost
the same, and the case when both weights are present is very similar, refer
to [Enn84a] for a treatment. Let
be a stable transfer function matrix to be reduced and its stable weight.
Thus, W(s) may be P(I+CP)–1, corresponding to "input stab", and will
thus have been calculated in step2; or it maybe an independently specified
stable V(s). Then
The controllability grammian P satisfying
is written as
Cs() DcCcsI Ac
WSs() DwCwsI Aw
Css()Ws() DcDwCcDcCw
sI Ac
0sI Aw
++ 0=
PPcc Pcw