LabWindows/CVI PID Control Toolkit User Manual G-2
damping The progressive reduction or suppression of oscillation in a device or
dead time (Td) The interval of time, expressed in minutes, between initiation of an input
change or stimulus and the start of the resulting observable response.
derivative (control)
Control response to the time rate of change of a variable.
EGU Engineering units.
feedback control Control in which a measured variable is compared to its desired value to
produce an actuating error signal that is acted upon in such a way as to
reduce the magnitude of the error.
feedback loop See closed loop.
gain For a linear system or element, the ratio of the magnitude, amplitude, or a
steady-state sinusoidal output relative to the causal input; the length of a
phasor from the origin to a point of the transfer locus in a complex plane.
gain scheduling The process of applying different controller gains for different regions of
operation of a controller. Gain scheduling is most often used in controlling
nonlinear physical processes.
Hz Hertz. Cycles per second.