Compact FieldPoint Accessories 6
Part number 778620-04 is a 37-pin female to loose-wires cable
adapter of 4 m length. You can use the loose wires to make cables
for connecting directly to sensors or to custom connectors.
Figure 6. Compact FieldPoint 37-Pin I/O Connector Cable
Table 2 lists the wire colors that correspond to the 37 pins on the
Compact FieldPoint I/O connectors. Signal names in parentheses
indicate signals common to all Compact FieldPoint I/O modules.
For all other signals, refer to the I/O module operating instructions.
Table 2. 37-Pin Cable Adapter Wire Identification
P1 Male Wire Color(s) P2 Female
1Black 1
2Brown 2
3Red 3
4Orange 4
5Ye l l ow 5
6Green 6
7Blue 7
8Purple 8
9Gray 9