Appendix C


Configuring the Rotate Function

Follow these steps to configure the rotate function:

1.Install the rotation software package.

2.Choose the rotate function in the software. The calibration screen appears automatically. Touch the point, and rotation is mapped.

Note The rotate function is disabled if you use monitor mapping.



This option tests the touchscreen


operation. The display shows touch


location. Click Draw to start. When you


touch the screen with your finger or a


stylus, the drawing screen registers touch


activity such as left, right, up, down, pen


up, and pen down.


Click Clear Screen to clear the drawing.

Advanced Calibration

This option enables or disables the


Advanced Calibration Mode on the


Calibration tab.

Right Button Icon

This option shows or hides the icon for


switching buttons and lets you select


whether the icon is in the System Tray


or on the desktop.

Right Button Emulation

This option enables or disables right


button emulation.


The About panel displays information about the PenMount controller and driver version.

© National Instruments Corporation


FPT-1015 User Manual