Theory of Operation Chapter 3
GPIB-120A User Manual 3-4 © National Instruments Corporation
Acceptable Identification CodesBus A and Bus B of the GPIB-120A are each capable of appearing as a GPIB device having the
GPIB capabilities listed in Table 3-1. For a complete description of each code, consult the
ANSI/IEEE Standard 488.1-1987, IEEE Standard Digital Interface for Programmable
Table 3-1. IEEE 488 Capability Identification Codes
Capability Code Description
SH1 Source Handshake
AH1 Acceptor Handshake
T5, TE5 Talker, Extended Talker
L3, LE3 Listener, Extended Listener
SR1 Service Request
RL1 Remote/Local
PP1, PP2 Parallel Poll
DC1 Device Clear
DT1 Device Trigger
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 Controller
E1, E2 Three-state bus drivers with automatic switch
to open collector during parallel poll