Chapter 2 Software Overview
National Instruments Corporation 2-3 NI-IMAQ User Manual
imgGrabArea Performs a transfer from a continuous
acquisition. Call this function only after
calling imgGrabSetup.
Ring and Sequence FunctionsRing and sequence functions start and stop a continuous acquisition of
multiple fields or frames.
imgRingSetup Prepares a session for acquiring
continuously and looping into a buffer
imgSequenceSetup Prepares a session for acquiring a full
sequence into the buffer list.
Starts a session acquisition identified by
the session ID.
Stops a session acquisition identified by
the session ID.
Signal I/O FunctionsSignal I/O functions control the trigger lines on IMAQ devices.
Configures an acquisition to start based
on an external trigger.
imgSessionLineTrigSourceConfigures triggering per line for
acquisition from a line scan camera.
imgSessionTriggerClear Disables all triggers on the session.
imgSessionTriggerDrive Configures the specified trigger line to
drive a signal out.
imgSessionTriggerRead Reads the current value of the specified
trigger line.
imgSessionWaitSignal Waits for a signal to be asserted. This
function will return when the specified
signal is asserted. Page 3 Monday, July 13, 1998 9:49 AM