Chapter 2 Hardware Installation
MXI-Express (x1) for PXI Express Series User Manual 2-4 ni.com
Figure 2-2 shows an NI PXIe-8360 just before installation in the system
controller slot of a National Instruments PXI Express chassis.
Figure 2-2. NI PXIe-8360 Card Before Installation
CablingConnect the MXI-Express cable to both MXI-Express cards. The cables
have no polarity, so either end may be connected to either card.
Caution Do not remove the cable after the system is powered on. Doing so can hang
orcause errors in applications communicating wi th devices behind MXI-Express. If a
cable becomes unplugged, plug it back into the system.
Note For more information about cables, refer to the MXI-Express Cable Options section
of Chapter 3, Hardware Overview.
1 PXI Express/CompactPCI Express Chassis
2 NI PXIe-8360
3 Ejector Handle in Down Position
4 PXI Express/CompactPCI Express Slot 1
NI PXIe-1062