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370130A-01 ©Copyright2000 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved. July2000
PCI/PXI ETHERNET ADAPTERSNational Instruments offers several Ethernet adapters based on the Intel
82559-compatible Ethernet controller.
Thisdocument explains how to install and troubleshoot the Ethernet drivers
foryour PCI/PXI board. Some boards also contain addition al functionality,
forexample, GPIB. Refer t o the documentation that came with your kit to
install the softwarefor t he other functionality.
Installing Your PCI Board
Note If you are replacing an existingEthernet adapter with the PCI Ethernet adapter in
Windows95, refer to Removing an Existing Adapter in Windows 95.
Complete the following instructions to install the Ethernet adapter.
1. Shut downWindows if it is running by clicking Start»Shut Down.
2. Turnoff the computer and unplug the power cord.
3. Removethe cover to give yourself access to the expansion slots.
4. Choosean empty PCI slot and remove the slot cover by unscrewing the
screwthat secures it.
5. Insert the adapter into the PCI slot and push until it is firmly seated.
6. Replace the coverand plug in the power cord.
Installing Your PXI Board
Note If you are replacing an existingEthernet adapter with the PXI Ethernet adapter in
Windows95, refer to Removing an Existing Adapter in Windows 95.
Complete the following instructions to install the Ethernet adapter.
1. Shut downWindows if it is running by clicking Start»Shut Down.