Chapter 3 Software Overview
NI-VXI User Manual 3-30 © National Instruments Corporation
GetByteOrder (window, ordermode)
GetByteOrder retrieves the byte/word order of data transferred into
or out of the specified window. The two possible settings are Motorola
(most significant byte/word first) or Intel (least significant byte/word
first). The application can have either Owner-Access Privilege or
Access-Only Privilege to the applicable window for this function to
execute successfully.
GetContext (window, context)
GetContext retrieves all of the hardware interface settings (context)
for a particular VXI/VME window. The application can have either
Owner Access Privilege or Access-Only Privilege to the applicable
window for this function to execute successfully. Any application can
use GetContext along with SetContext to save and restore the
VXI/VME interface hardware state (context) for a particular window.
GetPrivilege (window, priv)
GetPrivilege retrieves the current windowing hardware
VXI/VMEbus access privileges for the specified window. The possible
privileges include Nonprivileged Data, Supervisory Data,
Nonprivileged Program, Supervisory Program, Nonprivileged Block,
and Supervisory Block access. The application can have either
Owner-Access Privilege or Access-Only Privilege to the applicable
window for this function to execute successfully.
GetVXIbusStatus (controller, status)
GetVXIbusStatus retrieves information about the current state of the
The information that is returned includes the state of the Sysfail,
ACfail, VXI/VME interrupt, TTL trigger, and ECL trigger lines as
well as the number of VXI signals on the global signal queue. This
information returns in a C structure containing all of the known
information. An individual hardware platform might not support all
of the different hardware signals polled. In this case, a value of -1 is
returned for the corresponding field in the structure. Interrupt service
routines can automatically handle all of the conditions retrieved from
this function, if enabled to do so. You can use this function for simple
polled operations.