Chapter 3 Software Overview
NI-VXI User Manual 3-32 © National Instruments Corporation
MapVXIAddressSize (size)
MapVXIAddressSize sets the size for mapping user windows. The
subsequent calls to MapVXIAddress will attempt to map a window of
the size passed to MapVXIAddressSize. MapVXIAddressSize only
provides a preferred size to the MapVXIAddress. If it is not possible to
map a window to the given size, MapVXIAddress can use a different
size. To determine the exact size of window mapped, use the
GetWindowRange function.
Note: Not all platforms support MapVXIAddressSize.
SetByteOrder (window, ordermode)
SetByteOrder sets the byte/word order of data transferred into or out
of the specified window. The two possible settings are Motorola (most
significant byte/word first) or Intel (least significant byte/word first).
The application must have Owner-Access Privilege to the applicable
window for this function to execute successfully. Notice that some
hardware platforms do not allow you to change the byte order of a
window, which is reflected in the return code of the call to
SetByteOrder. Most Intel processor-based hardware platforms
support both byte order modes. Most Motorola processor-based
hardware platforms support only the Motorola byte order mode,
because the VXI/VMEbus is based on Motorola byte order.
SetContext (window, context)
SetContext sets all of the hardware interface settings (context)
for a particular VXI/VME window. The application must have
Owner-Access Privilege to the applicable window for this function to
execute successfully. Any application can use GetContext along with
SetContext to save and restore the VXI/VME interface hardware
state (context) for a particular window. As a result, the application can
set the hardware context associated with a particular pointer into
VXI/VME address spaces (obtained from MapVXIAddress). After
making a MapVXIAddress call for Owner Access to a particular
window (and possibly calls to SetPrivilege and SetByteOrder),
you can call GetContext to save this context for later restoration by