R Series Intelligent DAQ User Manual G-8 © National Instruments Corporation
TTHD Total harmonic distortion—The ratio of the total rms signal due to
harmonic distortion to the overall rms signal, in decibel or a percentage.
thermocouple A temperature sensor created by joining two dissimilar metals. The
junction produces a small voltage as a function of the temperature.
TTL Transistor-transistor logic.
two’s complement Given a number x expressed in base 2 with n digits to the left of the radix
point, the (base 2) number 2n – x.
VV Volts.
VDC Volts direct current.
VHDCI Very high density cabled interconnect.
VI Virtual instrument—Program in LabVIEW that models the appearance and
function of a physical instrument.
VIH Volts, input high.
VIL Volts, input low.
VOH Volts, output high.
VOL Volts, output low.
Vrms Volts, root mean square.
Wwaveform Multiple voltage readings taken at a specific sampling rate.