NI 9217 Operating Instructions and Specifications 14 ni.com
Conversion time
High-resolution mode.................200 ms per channel,
800 ms total for all channels
High-speed mode........................2.5 ms per channel,
10 ms total for all channels
Tempe rature accuracy (including noise)1, 4-wire mode
Tempe rature accuracy (including noise)1, 3-wire mode
1 For high-speed mode, add a 0.1 °C error.
Measured Value Typical (25 °C)
(–40 to 70 °C)
–200 to 150 °C 0.15 °C 0.35 °C
150 to 850 °C 0.20 °C 1.0 °C
Measured Value Typical (25 °C)
(–40 to 70 °C)
–200 to 150 °C 0.20 °C 0.50 °C
150 to 850 °C 0.30 °C 1.0 °C