NI 9229E/9239E 14
Data rate range (fs) using external master timebase
Minimum....................................390.625 S/s
Maximum................................ ...51.2 kS/s
Data rates1 (fs) .................................. , n = 1, 2, …, 31
Input voltage ranges (AI+ to AI–)
Overvoltage protection..................... ±100 V
Input coupling...................................DC
Input impedance (AI+ to AI–).......... 1MΩ
1 The data rate must remain within the appropriate data rate range. Refer to the
Understanding NI 9229E/9239E Data Rates section for more information.
Module Nominal (V) Typica l (V ) Minimum (V)
NI 9229E ±60 ±62.64 ±61.5
NI 9239E ±10 ±10.52 ±10.3