© National Instruments Corp. 11 NI 9403 Operating Instructions and Specifications
Digital logic levels
Voltage................................. –0.25 to 5.25 V
High, VIH..............................2.2 V min
Low, VIL...............................0.8 V max
Hysteresis, VH......................0.2 V min
High, VOH.............................5.2 V max
Sourcing 100 μA........... 4.75 V min
Sourcing 2 mA...............4.4 V min
Low, VOL
Sinking 100 μA............. 0.1 V max
Sinking 2 mA.................0.26 V max
Input current (0 V Vin 4.5 V)......±250 μA max
Module output current1.....................64 mA max
Input capacitance.............................. 30 pF
1 Module output current is the maximum guaranteed current that the module can drive
from all the I/O lines without going into an overcurrent state.