© National Instruments Corporation 3 Embedded Module for Blackfin Processors
After you install LabVIEW, refer to the LabVIEW Upgrade Notes,
available by selecting Start»All Programs»National Instruments»
LabVIEW»LabVIEW Manuals and opening LV_Upgrade_Notes.pdf,
for more information about new features in LabVIEW 8.2. Refer to the
LabVIEW 8.2.1 Readme for Windows, available by selecting Start»
All Programs»National Instruments»LabVIEW»Readme and opening
readme.html for information about features and changes in
LabVIEW 8.2.1.
System RequirementsThe Embedded Module for Blackfin Processors has the following
• A desktop computer with Windows Vista/XP/2000
• Analog Devices VisualDSP++ 4.5 (included)
• LabVIEW 8.2.1 with embedded support (included)
• One of the following EZ-KITs:
– EZ-KIT Lite for Analog Devices ADSP-BF537 Blackfin
Processor (included)
– EZ-KIT Lite for Analog Devices ADSP-BF533 (notincluded)
– EZ-KIT Lite for Analog Devices ADSP-BF538 (notincluded)
Refer to the National Instruments Web site at ni.com/info and enter
the info code relnote82 to access the LabVIEW Release Notes for more
information about LabVIEW development system requirements.
Installing the Embedded Module for Blackfin Processors If you have LabVIEW 8.2 installed, you can install LabVIEW 8.2.1
without first uninstalling LabVIEW 8.2. If you do not have LabVIEW 8.2
installed, you can install LabVIEW 8.2.1 without first installing
LabVIEW 8.2.
Note Because LabVIEW installs 8.2.1 over 8.2, you cannot have both LabVIEW 8.2 and
8.2.1 installed simultaneously.
Complete the following steps to install the Embedded Module for Blackfin
1. Log in as an administrator or as a user with administrator privileges.
2. Insert the Analog Devices VisualDSP++ 4.5 installation CD and
follow the instructions on the screen to install VisualDSP++ 4.5.