NIPCI-1426 User Manual G-4
tap A stream of pixels from a camera. Some cameras send multiple streams,
ort aps, of data over a cable simultaneously to increase transfer rate.
transfer rate The rate, measured in bytes/s, at which data is moved from source to
destination after software initialization and set up operations. The
maximum rate at which the hardware can operate.
trigger Any event that causes or starts some form of data capture.
trigger control and
mapping circuitry
Circuitry that routes, monitors, and drives external and RTSI bus trigger
lines. You can configure each of these lines to start or stop acquisition on a
rising or falling edge.
TTL Transistor-transistor logic.
VI Virtual Instrument. (1) A combination of hardware and/or software
elements, typically used with a PC, that has the functionality of a classic
stand-alone instrument. (2) A LabVIEW software module (VI), which
consists of a front panel user interface and a block diagram program.