© National Instruments Corporation A-1 NI SPEEDY-33 User Manual
Specifications listed below are typical at 25°C unless otherwise noted.
Analog I/O
Input.......................................................Stereo 48 kHz 16 bit A/D
Output.....................................................Stereo 48 kHz 16 bit D/A
Supported sampling rates....................... 8 kHz, 18 kHz, 24 kHz, 36 kHz,
48 kHz
Maximum working voltage for analog inputs
(signal + common mode)....................... 600 mV
Maximum working voltage for analog outputs
(signal + common mode)....................... 1.41 V
Input impedance
Left to AI GND...............................30 kΩ
Right to AI GND.............................30 kΩ
Digital I/O
Input.......................................................8 bit switch,
pins <IN1..IN8> on J11
Output.....................................................8 bit LEDs,
pins <OUT1..OUT8> on J11
Maximum working voltage....................TTL 5 V signal
On-chip RAM........................................ 34 K × 32
Flash.......................................................512 K × 8