© National Instruments Corporation G-9 NI SPEEDY-33 User Manual
peripherals Devices that can be connected to your computer or the NI SPEEDY-33.
Common peripheral devices are USB DAQ cards, printers, and keyboards.
port (1) A communications connection on a computer or a remote controller.
(2) A digital port, consisting of four or eight lines of digital input and/or
ROM Read-Only Memory
s seconds
S Samples
S/s Samples per second—Used to express the rate at which a DAQ device
samples an analog signal.
sample An instantaneous measurement of a signal, normally using an
analog-to-digital convertor in a DAQ device.
SPEEDY-33 Signal Processing Engineering Educational Device for Youth—A
self-contained, high-performance, programmable product for signal
processing applications.
switch (n.) A device for routing signals between two points.
USB Universal Serial Bus—A 480 Mbit/s serial bus with up to 12 Mbps
bandwidth for connecting computers to keyboards, printers, and other
peripheral devices. USB 2.0 retains compatibility with the original USB