© National Instruments Corporation G-5 IMAQ PCI/PXI-1411 User Manual
HSI Color encoding scheme in Hue, Saturation, and Intensity.
HSL Color encoding scheme using Hue, Saturation, and Luma information
where each image in the pixel is encoded using 32 bits: 8 bits for hue, 8 bits
for saturation, 8 bits for luma, and 8 unused bits.
HSYNC Horizontal synchronization signal. The synchronization pulse signal
produced at the beginning of each video scan line that keeps a video
monitor’s horizontal scan rate in step with the transmission of each
hue Represents the dominant color of a pixel. The hue function is a continuous
function that covers all the possible colors generated using the R, G, and
Bprimaries. See also RGB.
hue offset The value added to all hue values so that the discontinuity occurs outside
the values of interest during analysis.
Hz Hertz. Frequency in units of 1/second.
II/O Input/output. The transfer of data to/from a computer system involving
communications channels, operator interface devices, and/or data
acquisition and control interfaces.
IC Integrated circuit.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
IMAQ Image acquisition.
in. Inches.
instrument dri ver A set of high-level software functions, such as NI-IMAQ, that control
specific plug-in computer boards. Instrument drivers are available in
several forms, ranging from a function callable from a programming
language to a virtual instrument (VI) in LabVIEW.