National Instruments Corporation G-3 PCI-DIO-96 User Manual
CC Celsius
CIRQ0 PPI C port A interrupt enable bit
CIRQ1 PPI C port B interrupt enable bit
cm centimeters
CPA PPI C port A
CPB PPI C port B
CPC PPI C port C
CTR1 counter select bit
CTRIRQ counter interrupt enable bit
DDAQ a system that uses the personal computer to collect, measure, and
generate electrical signals
DI digital input
DIO digital input/output
DIRQ0 PPI D port A interrupt enable bit
DIRQ1 PPI D port B interrupt enable bit
DMA direct memory access—a method by which data can be transferred
to/from computer memory from/to a device or memory on the bus while
the processor does something else. DMA is the fastest method of
transferring data to/from computer memory.
DO digital output
DPA PPI D port A
DPB PPI D port B
DPC PPI D port C