© National Instruments Corporation A-1 IMAQPCI/PXI-1428 User Manual


This appendix lists the specifications of the IMAQ 1428. These
specifications are typical at 25 °C, unless otherwise stated.

External Connections

Number of external trigger I/O lines...... 4
Trigger input
Voltage range..................................0 to 5 V (TTL)
Input high voltage....................2.0 V
Input low voltage..................... 0.8 V
active-high or active-low
Trigger output
Voltage range..................................0 to 5 V (TTL)
Output high voltage................. 2.4 V at 15 mA source
Output low voltage.................. 0.55 V at 10 mA sink
active-high or active-low
Power-on state........................................Input (high-impedance)
10 Kpull-up to 5 V
Pixel clock..............................................Camera Link compatible
Enables...................................................Camera Link compatible
Control signal.........................................Camera Link compatible
Video data.............................................. Camera Link compatible