© National Instruments Corporation G-3 IMAQPCI/PXI-1428 User Manual
mux Multiplexer. A switching device with multiple inputs that selectively
connects one of its inputs to its output.
NI-IMAQ Driver software for National Instruments IMAQ hardware.
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect. A high-performance expansion bus
architecture originally developed by Intel to replace ISA and EISA. PCI
offers a theoretical maximum transfer rate of 133 Mbytes/s.
pixel Picture element. The smallest division that makes up the video scan line;
for display on a computer monitor, a pixel’s optimum dimension is square
(aspect ratio of 1:1, or the width equal to the height).
pixel clock Divides the incoming horizontal video line into pixels.
protocol The exact sequence of bits, characters, and control codes used to transfer
data between computers and peripherals through a communications
RAM Random-access memory.
real time A property of an event or system in which data is processed as it is acquired
instead of being accumulated and processed at a later time.
resolution The smallest signal increment that can be detected by a measurement
system. Resolution can be expressed in bits, in proportions, or in
percent of full scale. For example, a system has 12-bit resolution,
one part in 4,096 resolution, and 0.0244 percent of full scale.
RGB Color encoding scheme using red, green, and blue (RGB) color information
where each pixel in the color image is encoded using 32 bits: eight bits for
red, eight bits for green, eight bits for blue, and eight bits for the alpha value