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Copyright 1997 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved. July 1997
FP-1001FieldPoint RS-485 Network Module
• Isolated RS-485 interface to host computer or to FP-1000
repeater port
• Simple ASCII protocol is compatible with industry standard
Optomux protocol
• Built-in high efficiency power supply powers I/O modules
• Runs on 11 to 30 VDC power
• -40° to +70° C operation
The FP-1001 is a network module for the FieldPoint system. It
provides connection to an RS-485 network using a simple ASCII
This document provides a quick guide to installing and configuring
the FP-1001 network module. For more detailed information on
using the network module, refer to the FP-1000/1001 user manual.
For information on the ASCII protocol used by the network
module, refer to the FP-1000/1001 programmer reference manual.
DIN Rail Mounting
NOTE: Terminal bases must be connected to the network
module before applying power to the module. Do not connect
or disconnect terminal bases while power is applied to the
network module.