Route Specification Strings
Route specification strings are the paths connecting two channels and are composed of
one or more routes delimited by ampersands (&). For example, in the following line of
syntax, there are three defined routes or route groups:
routeOrGroup & routeOrGroup & routeOrGroup...
where routeOrGroupcan be:
• Route name
• Route group name
• Two endpoint channels to be connected that are delimited by ->. NISE dynamically
determines the path between the endpoints. In this mode, a hardwire alias name may
be substituted for the endpoints.
channel -> channel
• Fully specified path enclosed in square brackets consisting of one or more endpoint
channels delimited by->:
[channel -> channel -> channel...]
wherechannel can be:
• A channel alias name
• A unique name created by combining the IVI device logical name and IVI
channel name separated by a forward slash (/) delimiter. For example,
Note • Any channel, other than an endpoint, within a routespecification
be reserved for routing or directly hardwired to one of
the endpoint channels.
•Channelsused as endpoints must
be reserved for routing
• When connecting a route, the list of channels must obey the
exclusion rules by both explicitly in the route specification string, as
well as implicitly by any previous connections. Exclusion violations
result in an error.
The following are samples of route specification strings for a matrix:
• [SampleMatrix1/c0->SampleMatrix1/r1->SampleMatrix1/c4]
• [Scope->R3->SampleMatrix1/c6]
• ArbToInput & ScopeToOutput
• PowerDevice & [Scope->R3->UUT_Out]
• DCPower->UUT_Vcc
Each supported ADE has an associated Route Specification String Example. Refer to the
examples for the appropriate ADE to see how route specification strings are used when
National Instruments Corporation 5 NI Switch Executive Quick Reference Guide
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