NMEA Data Combiner - NDC-3-B
Page 3© 2005 Active Research Limited
ContentsImportant Notices 4
Notices 4
Foreword 4
Introduction 4
General features 5
4 NMEA 0183 data input ports 5
An NMEA 0183 data combined output port 5
A PC compatible RS-232 bi-directional port 5
Technical features 5
Software updates 5
Connecting devices together 6
The basics 6
The NMEA signals 6
The different NMEA standards 6
Connections 7
Connecting to NMEA devices 8
NMEA 0183 Inputs 8
NMEA 0183 Output 8
Other Connections 9
Connecting to a Personal Computer 9
Connecting to the battery supply 9
Troubleshooting guide 10
Diagnostic LED 10
Specifications 11
Company Information 12