Chapter 2 Operation and Maintenance
Step 1. Terminating applications (business server)
Terminate or halt applications and specified services that are accessing the volume where a fault has
occurred. If a shared folder is used on the target volume, cancel the sharing temporarily.
(Example) Halting service
NET STOP (service name)
When halting a service “ESMCommonService”, specify as follows:
NET STOP ESMCommonService
(Example) Canceling sharing of folder
NET SHARE share_name /delete
When canceling the sharing of the folder mv_folder1, specify as follows:
NET SHARE mv_folder1 /delete
Figure 2-4 Terminating Application
Step 2. Repairing MV (business server)
When MV was rebuilt to recover from a hardware fault, or when a new logical volume was created,
signature the disk by using [Disk Management] (Windows).
Then, set a partition, create a file system by carrying out format, and reset the drive letter. For the
partition, file system and drive letter, use settings previously specified before the fault occurred.
Also, re-create a volume list and update it.
iSMvollist –cr
When the volume list has been successfully updated, the following message appears:
iSMvollist: info: iSM11701: Volume list is created successfully.
Terminate application.