Problem Check TheseItems
No picture - Thesignal cable should be completelyconnected to
thevideo card/computer.
- Thevideo card shouldbe completely seatedin its
-PowerSwitch and computer power switch should
be in theON position.
- CheckBNC connectors to make certainthat each
connectorhas been attached correctly.
- CheckMode select switches to make certainthat
theyare in the correct positionaccording to the
Installationsection of this manual.
- Checkto make sure that a supportedmode hasbeen
selected onthe graphics card or system being used.
(Pleaseconsult graphics cardor systemmanual to
changegraphics mode.)
- Checkthe monitor andyour video card withrespect
tocompatibility and recommended signaltimings.
Image is unstable,
unfocused or
- Signalcable should be completelyattached to the
- Use the ImageLock controls tofocus and adjust
display.When the display modewill be changed,the
ImageLock settings may need tobe re-adjusted.
- Checkthe monitor andyour display cardwith
respect to compatibilityand recommendedsignal
- Checkthe Mode selectswitches for their correct
LED onthe monitor
is not lit(no green
or amber colorcan
be seen)
- Power Switchshould be in theON position and the
power cord should be connected.
- Makecertain the computeris not ina power-saving
mode(touch the keyboard or mouse).
Display imageis not
centered UseDisplay Position adjustment controlslocated on
therear of the panelto adjust centering.
E - 12 Troubleshooting/Support