Using the Settings Editor 4-7
NEC MH150/MH160 Mobile Handset Administration Tool-Installation and User Guide - Issue 1
Create the options and save the settingsOnce you have established which options will be categorized as System,
Group or User, enter the configuration information into the Editable
settings fields.
Start with the System options and enter all system-level field values,
such as IP addresses, security, and reg domain. Click the Sys radio
button on the left side of the window for each option. Save these
settings as a System file by entering a descriptive filename in the
System filename field and clicking Save As. See the example in
Tabl e 4-2, “Configuration planning worksheet sample,” on page 4-8.
Note that when a setting is changed, the option label is highlighted in yellow until it is
In the same way, create each Group plan by entering the values in the
fields designated as Group types. Click the Grp radio button on the left
side of the window for each option. Save each plan under a different
name in the Group filename field. You may have several groups—
possibly divided by sets of PTT users.
It is recommended that you establish one generic User file that has the
default (or desired) values for each User field. Click the Usr radio
button on the left side of the window for each option and save the
generic user file.
If desired, user settings can be saved for each user, if desired, as each
handset is configured. If you determine that each handset configuration
should be saved, it is easiest to do this during the configuration process.
See “Downloading a configuration plan to a handset” on page 4-9.
Alternately, you can upload options from a correctly-configured handset;
copy them to the Editable settings column, categorize them and save
them. See “Uploading a configuration plan from a handset” on page 4-