The standby function stops the whole or part of the operation of the device to reduce its current drain.
The standby function is divided into halt and clock stop functions.
The halt function uses a dedicated instruction (HALT h instruction) to stop the CPU in order to reduce the
required current drain.
The clock stop function uses a dedicated instruction (STOP s instruction) to stop the 8 MHz crystal oscillator
in order to reduce the current drain in the device.
To use these functions, it is necessary to specify a device operation mode at the CE pin.
Section 13.3 explains the device operation mode specified at the CE pin.
Sections 13.4 and 13.5 describe the halt and clock stop functions.
Remark For the
PD17062, the operand s of the STOP s instruction must be 0000B. Therefore, the actual
instruction is: STOP 0000B