The IG1000 is the first uniquely Australian developed modem that offers designers a space efficient communications module suitable for any data transfer application.
NetComm’s IG1000 enables OEM’s to integrate a variety of modem functions with the benefit of accessing real time data, low cost management/support, plus
International EMC and safety standards have been tested and certified, bringing the integration cost down for approval ratings on the finished product. Structured to fit into a generic industry footprint, this Conexant chipset product brings with it all the capabilities of a full hardware modem.
This product can be integrated into any device that requires data transfer via a PSTN connection, incorporating the latest V.92 technology to give your product the benefit of high upstream speeds (up to 48Kbps).
The separate IG1000 TEST 5V Developer’s Kit includes:
•Board with footprint socket
•Power input socket
•PSTN (telephone) socket
•Greatly reduced approval time and costs
•Simply provide for the pinouts in your design
•Logging Data real time vs onsite time
•Low cost management and support
•Low cost networking
•End user accessibility and
Key Specifications
•V.92 – upstream rates up to 48Kbps, QuickConnect, and Modem-
•V.92, V.90, V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.22 bis, V.22, V.23, and V.21;
•V.22 bis Fast Connect
•Bell 212A and Bell 103
•TAM support
•Fax Class 1 & 2
•External flash ROM includes default values for 29 countries
•Flash upgradable
•Caller ID
•Small design (25mm x 65mm)
•Extensive AT command set
•Designed in Australia
•Local Support
•Local and International Approvals:
NetComm Limited ABN 85 002 490 486
PO Box 1200, Lane Cove NSW 2066 Australia. PHONE (02) 9424 2070 • FAX (02) 9424 2010 • EMAIL sales@netcomm.com.au • www.netcomm.com.au
Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of NetComm Limited or their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Images shown may vary slightly from the product.