Choose From a Variety of Gigabit and 10 Gb Monitoring Options
Common functionality available across the entire gigabit and 10 Gb analysis line:
Gigabit or 10 Gb Probe Appliances
 •Conguresasalocalconsoleforon-siteanalysis
 •ReportstoanyObserverExpertorObserverSuiteconsoleonthenetwork
 •MayalsobelicensedasanRMON/HCRMONprobe
 •GigabitProbeApplianceshavetheaddedabilityofmonitoringtrunkedlinksindependentlyorinaggregation
GigaStor™ for Gigabit and 10 Gb Networks
analysis. Speed problem resolution by completely eliminating the time-consuming task of having to recreate issues.
 •Choosea2TB,4TB,8TB,or12TBconguration
 •Auniquetimelineinterfacemakesiteasytoisolateandtroubleshootpastevents
 •Storeddatacanbereconstructed(webpages,e-mail,IM,VoIP)tosupportforensicanalysis
GigaStor Expandable oers more storage options
 •Scaleupto48TB
 •Obtainbetterwritespeedswithaddeddrives
 •Perfectforgrowingenterprises
Portable Analysis Systems
The Gigabit Observer Suite System (GOSS) is a fully portable unit that contains all the hardware and software necessary to troubleshoot and manage the most advanced
gigabit and 10 Gb networks. Designed for convenience in travel and shipping, this all-in-one unit is ideal for field service engineers tasked with solving elusive network
abnormalities at particular points across the organization.
The GOSS is a portable analyzer and includes a copy of Observer Suite. The system does not require any additional hardware or software.
All-in-one System
 •ObserverSuiteconsolesoftware
 •Gen2Gigabitor10Gbcapturecard
 •10/100/1000Ethernetmanagementport
 •Allrequiredcabling
 •nTAP
 •Built-indisplay,keyboard,trackpad,andDVD-RWdrive
 •Durable,hardcaseappropriateforairlinetravel
 •AlsosharesdatawithanyObserverExpertorObserverSuiteconsoleonthenetwork
Probe Appliance for gigabit
or 10 Gb networks
GigaStor for gigabit
or 10 Gb networks
Field Service Solution for
gigabit or 10 Gb networks
GigaStor Control Panel
GigaStor Expandable
 •64-bitsystemsformaximumanalysisperformanceandscalability
 •
Utilizes internally engineered Gen2 technology for guaranteed, wire-speed captures
 •Localizesdataprocessingattheprobetominimizenetworkoverhead
 •ProvidescontinuousmonitoringwithincludednTAPs
 •Captureslargeamountswithoutpacketlosswithuptoa24GBbuer
GigaStor Expandable
Rack Size Storage
16 TB
+16 TB
+16 TB
Total = 48 TB