the microphone company
SM 2 - The First Neumann Stereo Microphone
In the mid 1950’s, the recording and broadcasting industries made major breakthroughs in the development of stereophonic sound recording and transmission. Neumann has supplied technical equipment to the recording industry since 1928, and in 1955 introduced a novel editing device for their industry standard disc cutters. In 1956, a cooperative venture with the record label TELDEC resulted in the first stereo disk cutter head ZS90/45. Although stereo records could not be made with two monaural disk cutter heads, the stereo program material, how- ever, could be captured with two monaural microphones.
For example, for
Full mono compatibility of recordings is only possible with intensity stereophony, where identical microphones are placed at virtually the same location, thus avoiding phase differences caused by different distances to the sound sources. In some of these coincident techniques the microphones may have different directional patterns. In other cases they have the
same pattern, but are set up along the main axis pointing in different di- rections. To simplify this recording process, Neu- mann developed a single appropriate microphone.
Their latest miniature microphone at that time, the KM 56, possessed many features readily adaptable for use in the first Neumann stereo mi- crophone. It has a small
al, cardioid, or
The power supply for the SM 2 features two rotary switches for adjusting the directional patterns of both channels independently to any of the three main patterns: omnidi- rectional, cardioid or
True to its pedigree, the sound quality of the SM 2 is very similar to that of the KM 56. It was produced between 1957 and 1966. Even today, audio professionals consider it a “secret weapon” for piano recordings.