Battery control module should be used for the field
inspection of the batteries. It has four LEDs on the front
panel. Numbers “1.1”, “1.2”, “1.3”, “1.4”, which are
marked near the LEDs, indicate battery voltage in
Volts. The accuracy of voltage measurement is 0.1 V.
The wrench key is designated for turning the windage
screw (13).
The protected rubber eye shade from the accessories kit
is used instead of the standard eye shade (16). It is
designed for night work under conditions that require
high level of camouflage. It hides the green light spot
on the shooter’s face, when the shooter is not aiming.
The soft cloth is intended for cleaning of the external
surfaces of optical components, contacts, and battery
control module.
The bag is intended for packing up the sight and its
protection while carrying and transporting.
The cover is used when the sight is transported being
mounted on a weapon.
The accessories are stored inside the cover.