Lighting Instructions
1. Make sure the regulator is properly secured into the burner end.
2. Make sure the propane cylinder is tightly threaded into the regulator-hand-tighten only.
3. Open lid.
4. Locate lighting access hole on right side of the panel.
5. Insert match or lighter through access hole next to the burner tube. Keep flame next to burner.
6. Push gas burner control knob “IN” and turn counter-clockwise to “Lighting Position”
7. If ignition does not occur in 3-5 seconds, turn burner off. Wait 5 minutes and repeat the lighting procedure.
Note: lf the burner should go out for any reason, turn control knob to “Off” position. Wait 5 minutes before
attempting to re-light.
If the grill fails to light after the second attempt, check with your local dealer for assistance.
With the burner lit, gently close lid and allow grill to warm up for 20-30 minutes prior to use.
Flames should be blue and stable with no yellow tips, excessive noise or lifting. If any of
these conditions exist, check to see if the air shutter or burner ports are blocked by dirt,
debris, spider webs, etc. If you have any questions regarding flame stability, please call
customer service.
Typical flame pattern and proper
flame height.
I. Open lid.
2. Turn regulator control knob to “OFF”.
3. Cautio n: Do not attempt to re-light without following all lighting instructions.
4. Allow grill body to cool at least 30 minutes before attempting to move or transport.
To adjust for proper flame, use a
Philips screw driver to loosen
screw. Turn clockwise to close the
air shutter, and counterclockwise
to open. After adjusting, tighten
screw to fix air shutter.
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