Mitel 3000 Hotel Facilities User Guide
The CCU number is the PBX serial number required to obtain your Licence Key. This always starts
with OL and is on the line that begins with CCU H/W as shown below.
Your hotel license number is printed on a label that is located at the back cover of this manual.
c. Connect to XARIOS.COM to obtain your unique number Connect to the following web site http://www.xarios.com/hotel/
The following page should appear:
Enter the License number (located at the back cover of this manual, include dashes).
Enter the PBX serial number.
Click “Get key”.
Your UNIQUE KEY will appear after the “Get Key” hot key is pressed (you will get an error if details
entered are not correct).
Write this unique key number down and keep it in a safe place, as you will need it to activate the Hotel