Getting to Know Nikon Capture 4 Editor

Quick Tools

The Quick Tools palette contains buttons that replicate commonly-used menu commands.

But ton Name Func tion Shortcut*
Open Click to open an image fi le for editing. Ctrl + 0/
cmd + 0 13
Save Save changes to the image in the active image
win dow.
Ctrl + S/
cmd + S 83
Copy Image
Copy current image-adjustment settings to the
clip board. — 82
Paste Paste the contents of the clipboard to image en-
hance ment settings in the active win dow.
Ctrl + V/
cmd + V
Zoom In Zoom in on the image in the active window. Ctrl + +/
cmd + +
Zoom Out Zoom out from the image in the active window. Ctrl + –/
cmd + –
Rotate 90 CCW Rotate the image in active window ninety de grees
shift+cmd+R 20
Rotate 90 CW Rotate the image in active window ninety de grees
clock wise.
Ctrl + R/
cmd + R 20
Crop Cursor Use this tool to select the portion of the image in the
active window that will be saved. C/C 22
Zoom Cursor Use to zoom the image in the active window in and
out. Z/Z 18
Hand Cursor Use to view portions of the image not currently vis-
i ble in the active window. H/H 18
Open Multi-Image
Open the Multi-Image window, where images in the
selected folder can be previewed.
Ctrl + T/
cmd + T 15
Show Nikon Capture
Camera Control Launch Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control. 107
Batch Open the Batch dialog, where you can se lect a folder
of images for batch processing. — 92
Open with
Open the image in the active window in Photo-
shop. — —
Show Original
Image Data
Hide the effects of changes to image adjustment
set tings. This button can not be used with RAW im-
ages taken with COOLPIX-series cameras.
— —
(Windows only) Display menu of help options. F1/— —
Auto Brightness Performs the same function as the Auto button in
the Photo Effects palette. — 64
Auto Color Boost Performs the same function as the Auto button in
the Color Booster palette. — 63
Auto Red Eye
Perform automatic red-eye correction on image in
active window — 75
* Windows keyboard shortcuts are listed fi rst, Macintosh shortcuts second.