Nikon D70/D70s User’s Guide
First select the "Detailed" mode under Menu > Setup (wrench) Menu > CSM menu, otherwise you'll only to get the first few items!
[R] Menu Reset: This returns everything below to factory default. Play with everything below to
your heart's content, since if you do screw anything up this reset will fix it.
01: Beep. For God's sake, turn this to OFF. Beeping cameras annoy everyone and scream "RUDE
AMATEUR!" If you insist, set this to ON only in private.
02: Autofocus: Use AF-S (default) for still subjects, and set AF-C (continuous) to track moving
subjects, like sports.
03: AF Area Mode:
Set Single area (the default) for still subjects.
Set Dynamic area for moving subjects. Dynamic Area lets the camera select the AF areas by magic
as the subject moves. This really works and is perfect for birds and sports.
Use Closest Subject when you hand your camera to a non-photographer. It uses all the AF sensors
and guesses that the closest one is your subject. This prevents the common problem with people
shots where the camera focuses in the middle, on the wall behind them!
04: AF Assist: This is the little light that helps the camera focus in the dark. Default is ON. Set it to
OFF if you're spying on people in the dark and don't want to be noticed.
05: ISO AUTO: This lets the camera increase the ISO automatically as the light fades. I would use it
all the time, except that a firmware flaw leaves this active even in manual exposure mode. If you set
it to ON you have the option to select the lowest shutter speed the camera will use before it starts to
increase the ISO.
06: NO CF Card?: Leave this to LOCK. if you turn it off it will let you take pictures with no card! You
accidentally could shoot a wedding and not realize you have no card. When set to ON it locks the
camera if you have no card.
07: Image Review: This shows the photo you just took on the monitor after you take it. I set mine
to ON, unless I don't plan to look at the monitor after each shot. When you use this remember that
the functions of the ISO, WB and QUAL buttons will do things you don't expect after you take a photo,
since the camera goes into playback mode for a few seconds after each shot. Because of this I make
a habit of tapping the shutter button to return to shooting mode before I make any ISO, WB or QUAL
adjustments. Otherwise I often would change something related to playback by accident!
08: Grid Display: These are fine horizontal and vertical lines in the finder. I leave these ON to help
me keep my horizons straight. Default is off.
09: EV Step: Your choice of 1/3 or 1/2 stop increments. I prefer the default of 1/3.
10: Exposure Compensation: I leave this in default OFF. This means you have to hold the +/-
button at the same time as turning the command dial to alter the exposure compensation. If you turn
it ON then any turning of the command dial will alter your exposure.
11: Center Weighted: This controls the diameter, in millimeters, of the area of the center weighted
meter. I leave mine alone at 8mm, since I never use the center weighted meter anyway. This control
allows you to make your center weighted meter see a bigger area to make it more like an averaging
© Ken Rockwell 12 of 12