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Page 6
Image 6
Nilfisk-ALTO NEPTUNE 3 manual ¢ê sˆB•5–, ˆ‘L•– Œ—’‘–5ŠŒê…ˆ•ˆ‘‡ˆ–ˆŽ, „•…„‘—„•—5–ê–ꍄ™B—5–, ¢­¡êêêêêyˆ‘‡ˆ—ˆ—–

NEPTUNE 3 specifications

The Nilfisk-ALTO NEPTUNE 3 is a versatile and powerful machine designed to meet the needs of professionals in various cleaning industries. This compact pressure washer is perfect for both indoor and outdoor applications, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to efficiently clean surfaces, vehicles, or equipment.

One of the main features of the NEPTUNE 3 is its robust motor, which provides reliable and consistent performance. The machine is equipped with a high-pressure pump that delivers up to 120 bar of pressure, allowing users to tackle even the toughest grime and dirt. This level of pressure coupled with a flow rate of around 500 liters per hour ensures that tasks are completed quickly and efficiently.

The NEPTUNE 3 comes with an adjustable nozzle, allowing for quick changes between high-pressure and low-pressure settings. This feature is ideal for delicate surfaces that require a gentler touch, such as painted surfaces or windows. The ability to adjust the pressure provides users with versatility in their cleaning applications.

Durability is another key characteristic of the NEPTUNE 3. The machine is built with high-quality materials that can withstand the rigors of daily use. Its compact and stable design ensures that it remains steady during operation, reducing the risk of accidents. The machine is also lightweight and portable, making it easy to transport between job sites.

Safety features are integrated into the design of the NEPTUNE 3, including a total stop system that automatically turns off the pump when the trigger is not in use. This feature not only saves energy but also extends the life of the machine. Additionally, the power cord and high-pressure hose are designed with user safety in mind, preventing tangles and potential hazards.

The NEPTUNE 3 is compatible with a variety of accessories, enhancing its functionality. Users can easily attach brushes, foam nozzles, and other tools for specialized cleaning tasks. This makes it a highly adaptable solution for a wide range of environments, from commercial spaces to residential areas.

In summary, the Nilfisk-ALTO NEPTUNE 3 is a powerful and reliable pressure washer equipped with essential features that cater to professional cleaning needs. With its adjustable pressure settings, durable construction, and compatibility with various accessories, the NEPTUNE 3 stands out as an effective solution for tackling all types of cleaning challenges.