please refer to the System Settings
electronic manual.
For age rating information for this
and other software, please consult
the relevant website for the age
rating system in your region.
PEGI (Europe):
USK (Germany):
COB (Australia):
OFLC (New Zealand):
Age Rating Information Advisories
When you download or use this
software (including any digital
content or documentation you
download or use in connection with
this software) and pay any
applicable fees, you are granted a
personal, non-exclusive, revocable
licence to use this software on your

Nintendo 3DS system. Your use of

this software is subject to the
Nintendo 3DS Service User
Agreement and Privacy Policy,
which includes the Nintendo 3DS
Code of Conduct.
Unauthorised reproduction or

distribution is prohibited. Your

Nintendo 3DS system and this
software are not designed for use
with any unauthorised device or any