Menu Functions
Use or to select Currency (show limits in currency
units) or Units (show limits in charging units) and press
the OK selection key.
If you selected Currency, key in the charging unit price
and press the
selection key. Pressing the # or
will insert a decimal point.
If you selected Units, call cost limits and the number of
remaining cost units will be shown in charging units.
At the prompt Currency name:, key in the currency name
that you want to use.
Press the
selection key.
The phone can be set to automatically select one of the
cellular networks available in your area, or you may select the
desired network manually in this menu.
This function comes in handy when you want to select a
particular network, e.g. due to lower call charges.
Normally, i.e. when the Automatic option is selected, the
phone tries to utilise the network it was last registered on.
When the phone is operated in the service area of your home
network (i.e. network of the SIM card currently installed in
your phone), that network is automatically selected.
Outside of the home network service area, the phone will
select one of the networks which have a roaming agreement
with the home network. If the phone loses contact with the
network it is using, it will automatically try to register on some
other ‘roaming’ network.
When you pick up a network manually from the network list,
the phone will attempt to register on that network. If the
phone cannot reach or loses contact with the selected net-