44Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
•Call waiting service. When this Network Service is activated, the network
notifies you of a new incoming call while you have a call in progress.
•Send my caller identity to set your phone number to be displayed (On) or
hidden (Off) from the person you are calling (Network Service). When you
select Default, the setting agreed with your service provider is used.
•Line for outgoing calls. With this Network Service, you can select either phone
line 1 or 2 for making calls, or prevent line selection, if supported by your SIM
card (Network Service).
•No. screening. Please refer to "No. screening"on page 36.
Phone settingsPress Menu and select Settings, Phone settings and
•Language to select the language for the display texts.
•Keyguard settings. Select
•Automatic keyguard and On to activate the automatic keyguard. The phone
displays Set delay:. Key in the time and press OK. You can set the time from
10 seconds to 59 minutes and 59 seconds. To deactivate the automatic
keyguard, select Off.
•Keyguard code to activate the security keyguard, key in the security code
and press OK. See page 11. After you have selected On, the phone asks for
the security code every time you press Unlock. To deactivate the security
keyguard, select Off.