Nokia Care services

If you need to contact Nokia Care services, check the list of local Nokia
Care contact centres at


For maintenance services, check your nearest Nokia Care point at
3. Calls

Make and answer a call

To make a call, enter the phone number, including the country code and area code if
necessary. Press the call key to call the number. Scroll up to increase or down to decrease
the volume of the earpiece or headset during the phone call.
To answer an incoming call, press the call key. To reject the call without answering,
press the end key.


If available, you may select Loudsp. or Handset to use the loudspeaker or the earpiece
of the phone during a call.
Warning: Do not hold the device near your ear when the loudspeaker is in use,
because the volume may be extremely loud.

Dialling shortcuts

To assign a phone number to one of the number keys, 2 to 9, select Menu >
Contacts > Speed dials, scroll to a desired number, and select Assign. Enter the
desired phone number, or select Search and a saved contact.
To switch the speed dialling function on, select Menu > Settings > Call > Speed
dialling > On.
To make a call using speed dialling, in the standby mode, press and hold the desired
number key.
4. Write text

Text modes

To enter text (for example, when writing messages) you can use traditional or predictive
text input.
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