These suggestions apply equally to your device, battery, charger, or any accessory. If
any device is not working properly, take it to the nearest authorised service facility for


Always return your used electronic products, batteries, and packaging materials to a
dedicated collection point. This way you help prevent uncontrolled waste disposal and
promote the recycling of materials. More detailed information is available from the
product retailer, local waste authorities, national producer responsibility organisations,
or your local Nokia representative. Check how to recycle your Nokia products at, or if browsing on a mobile device,
The crossed-out wheeled-bin symbol on your product, battery, literature, or
packaging reminds you that all electrical and electronic products, batteries, and
accumulators must be taken to separate collection at the end of their working life.
This requirement applies in the European Union. Do not dispose of these products
as unsorted municipal waste. For more environmental information, see the product Eco-
Declarations at
Additional safety information
The surface of this device is nickel-free.

Small children

Your device and its accessories may contain small parts. Keep them out of the reach of
small children.

Operating environment

This device meets RF exposure guidelines when used either in the normal use position
against the ear or when positioned at least 2.2 centimetres (7/8 inch) away from the
body. When a carry case, belt clip, or holder is used for body-worn operation, it should
not contain metal and should position the device the above-stated distance from your
To transmit data files or messages, this device requires a quality connection to the
network. In some cases, transmission of data files or messages may be delayed until
such a connection is available. Ensure the above separation distance instructions are
followed until the transmission is completed.
Parts of the device are magnetic. Metallic materials may be attracted to the device. Do
not place credit cards or other magnetic storage media near the device, because
information stored on them may be erased.
Additional safety information
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