2 While in the call, select options > new call.
3 Type in the phone number, then select CALL, or select SEARCH and a contact.
The first call is put on hold until you connect the conference call.
4 When you're able to talk to the second caller, select options > conference. You
can add more calls to the conference.
Tip: To speak privately with a caller in the middle of the conference call, select
options > private call and a number. The conference call is put on hold. To return
to the conference call, select options > conference.
5 To end the conference call, press .
ContactsSave a name and phone number
Select contacts.
Select , then write the name, number, and other details.
If asked, select where to save the contact.
Edit the details of a contact
Select a contact and , then edit the details.
Add more details
Select a contact and > add detail, then select a detail.
Use speed dial
Reach your friends and family quickly – assign your most-used phone numbers to the
number keys of your phone.
Select phone and > speed dials.
You can only use speed dials for the contacts stored on your phone or on the SIM in
the internal SIM holder.
Assign a phone number to a number key
1 Select a number key. 1 is reserved for the voice mailbox.
2 To search for a contact, select SEARCH. You can also type in the number.
Make a call
In the dialler, press and hold a number key.
20 Contacts