transfer ownership of rights of the
Material to Nokia. Nokia is only
transmitting the Material and is not
responsible for editorial control over
it. By submitting Material to the
Service you grant Nokia a worldwide,
non-exclusive, sub-licensable,
assignable, fully paid-up, royalty-
free, perpetual and irrevocable
license to use, copy, publicly perform,
display, distribute in any media and
modify the Material to incorporate the
Material into other works, and to grant
similar sublicenses to the extent
necessary for Nokia to provide the
Service. You may be able to adjust this
grant in the privacy and other settings
of the Service.
You are solely responsible for taking
backup copies of the data you store
on the Service, including Content you
upload. If the Service is discontinued
or canceled, Nokia may permanently
delete your data. Nokia has no
obligation to return data to you after
the Service is discontinued or
5. Using the Service
You agree to:
Comply with applicable laws, the
Terms and good manners;
Use the Service only for your
personal, non-commercial
Not submit unlawful, offensive,
inaccurate, misleading, abusive,
pornographic, harassing,
libelous or otherwise
inappropriate Material;
Obtain any consents,
permission or licenses that may
be legally required for you to
submit any Material;
Respect the privacy of others;
Not distribute or post spam,
unreasonably large files, chain
letters, pyramid schemes,
viruses; or
Not use any other technologies
or initiate other activities that
may harm the Service, or the
interest or property of the
Service users.
Not to use any automated
systems or means to access,
acquire, copy or monitor any
part of the service.
Be responsible for the
consequences related to the
Material that you post.